Welcome, Innova Academy Teachers!  

Leap into August learning and write more effectively starting today. This comprehensive online course will help you navigate the linguistic twists and turns of American English grammar.

Good grammar doesn't make good writing, but good writing demands good grammar.   

Course Curriculum  

Ch 1. Parts of Speech: Meet the eight parts of speech.

Ch 2. Mixed-up Words: Recognize and correctly use commonly mixed-up words.

Ch 3. Contractions and Possessives: Gain command of the apostrophe to make contractions and possessives. 

Ch 4. Subjects and Predicates: Locate subjects and predicates, and understand their place in sentence structure.

Ch 5. Sentence Fragments: Spot sentence fragments, and rework them into complete sentences.

Ch 6. Run-on Sentences: Identify run-ons, and learn how to correct them. 

Ch 7. Standard Verb Forms: Get familiar with standard verb forms in simple and complex tenses. 

Ch 8. Pronouns: Discover pronoun groups and forms. 

Ch 9. Agreement: Ensure agreement between subjects and verbs, and pronouns and antecedents. 

Ch 10. Shifts in Person, Tense, and Structure: Maintain consistency in person, tense, and structure. 

Ch 11. Clarity, Concision, Diction, and Logic: Develop clear, concise, and logical sentences. 

Ch 12. Capitalization and Punctuation: Master basic rules of capitalization and punctuation.

Grammar can be fun when you know the rules!  

Before, during, and after your course, engage with your instructor and a grammar community at  Grammar Lion on Facebook. 

About the Instructor

Your Personal Grammar Lion Guide

Ellen Feld

Ellen has been an online grammar instructor since 2002, with more than 45,000 students enrolled in her courses. She holds a master's degree in writing from the Johns Hopkins University and has taught college courses online and in the traditional classroom, including creative writing, developmental writing, and English composition. Ellen has worked as a newspaper reporter and copy chief, personal essayist, website reviewer, and writing coach. She is the author of Comma Sense: Your Guide to Grammar Victory (Mango Publishing, 2022) and the children's storybook Paragon and Jubilee (Edgecliff Press, 2010).